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92 Ratings
3.59 GPA
653 Students
Prof. Young is definitely one of the BEST professors at UVA and the BEST Spanish professor I ever had. I strongly recommend taking her class! She is knowledgeable in her area and patient towards her students. Her office hours are extremely helpful, and she replies emails quickly when students have questions. Her grading is fair with good critiques on student's work. SPAN 1060 is a fast-paced class overall and can be quite challenging. However, as long as you stay on top of your homework, readings, and reviews, you should do relatively well in the class! Participation is really important in the class, so make sure to raise your hand and actively participate even if you are not 100% sure that your answer is correct. There are also a lot assignments involving creativity and cultural investigation, which make the assignments fun and rewarding. SPAN 1060 has a lot assessments throughout the course, and Prof. Young's review and tutoring hours can help you prepare. Do not ever hesitate to ask her questions if you are confused; she will teach you the material well and give you other resources to help you practice. You will do well as long as you do your part in this class.
Professor Young is easily one of the best Spanish instructors I have ever taken a course with. I learned more in 14 weeks with her than in 15 *years* with other instructors (I started in kindergarten). She is always available to offer extra assistance to students, and even holds free tutoring sessions once a week where veteran students (usually Spanish majors/minors) may help out students in 1060. In class, she always had a strong game plan for the day, knew exactly how long each topic would take, and had supplementary activities for us to do after learning the material. She was a ray of sunshine in an otherwise dismal New Cabell classroom, and always made an effort to make sure each student was awake and happy. While she always follows department policy, she can be flexible and understanding with non-departmental policies. For instance, I accidentally slept through an exam (as one does) and she let me make it up the next day in her office.
This course has a heavy workload - homework assignments are due almost every night, in addition to longer-term projects. These assignments are immensely helpful when learning new material and the fact that everything can be completed online means you can get stuff done anywhere around Grounds. I never felt like they were too tedious or meaningless. If you find yourself struggling to keep up or stay on top of your work, don't be afraid to talk to her after class or during office hours and get help with planning. Overall, Professor Young is an incredible instructor with a solid course structure, meaningful assignments, and a passion for her students and their ability to succeed in Spanish. I overwhelmingly recommend taking 1060 with her.
Taking SPAN 1060 with Professor Young made the class so enjoyable! She has a lot of energy and it encourages the class to get engaged, which makes it better for everybody. If you have to take this class, I would definitely consider taking it with Professor Young. The Spanish department has policies for each class that the teachers don't have control over, like the amount of homework and tests, so while the class is challenging and a lot of work, Professor Young understands that and does everything in her power to still make it a fun class where you learn a lot. The key to mastering SPAN 1060 is to PARTICIPATE! Professor Young does not make you feel stupid if you say or pronounce something incorrectly, she nicely corrects you so that you learn from your mistakes and don't feel embarrassed. As long as you do what is asked of you in this course you will end up with a good grades.
Professor Young did an incredible job with this course. Despite the strict department policies that apply to Spanish 1060--making it difficult at times--she worked really hard to make the class accessible and fun with her great enthusiasm. Although I was nervous coming in, Professor Young was very patient and was always available to clarify concepts during class or in her office hours. As a result, I really enjoyed this course and did much better than I thought I would thanks to her.
SPAN 1060 is a perfect course for someone who either learns languages with ease or merely needs to brush up on old skills. Professor Young is perhaps my favorite professor at the University thus far in my college career. Not only does she actively communicate with her students in and out of the classroom, but she also genuinely cares about her students. Language is a subject in which people learn at different rates, and Professor Young understood that. She constantly engaged students in the target language as well as fostered use of the language among peers through group work and in-class activities. As I mentioned earlier, the course is ACCELERATED Elementary Spanish, meaning the course moves at a somewhat quick pace. Because of this, I would probably recommend that a student who already has a prior knowledge of the Spanish language take this course. While there was a lot of work for this class, in the form of reading, writings, homework practice, projects, etc., the work is not by any means unmanageable. I would strongly recommend that anyone with a basic Spanish background who is trying to fulfill SPAN 1010 and 1020 credits take Professor Young's class.
Professor Young is a wonderful professor. While her energy and fast paced teaching can seem intimating on the first day of class she ends up making the 50 minutes feel like 10. The 4 credit SPAN 1060 course can be extremely tedious at times as it is full of busywork, but with Professor Young and her passion for her students, her work and Spanish, I loved every second of the class!!
Professor Young is absolutely wonderful! She is super organized which helps the class move efficiently. But she is also very kind and fun as well! She is one of my favorite professors at UVA and someone I can go back to years later when I need help with anything at all. She develops wonderful relationships with her students and creates a fast-paced learning atmosphere that gets students excited to learn. While taking language classes aren't always ideal, her class was always fun to go because she provided engaging activities for her students.
Professor Young is a really fun and engaging teacher. 1060 is a challenging course only in that it's an immense amount of work. It's basically a review of the Spanish you learned all through middle and high school in one semester. Professor Young makes going to class worthwhile -- you'll never feel like a minute of class was wasted with pointless work. 1060 really requires a good professor since it's the foundation of the Spanish you'll take for the rest of your time at UVA and Professor Young does a good job making the heaps of work bearable. Also, she'll respond to your email within an hour or two usually but definitely within 24 hours and she's always open to working with you outside of class.
This class was so helpful in helping me with my Spanish. Although this course covered a large amount of material, Professor Young was great at making the class engaging and at using different techniques to teach the material. It is obvious that she has a strong desire for her students to know the Spanish language well and is enthusiastic during class. She prepared us well for tests and was available outside of class if you needed extra help. All-in-all this class was very rewarding and Professor Young made it a fun class to be in. If you can take this course with her I would highly encourage that you do!
Professor Young is the best Spanish teacher I've had at UVA. This course covers a lot of information and can be overwhelming but she presents all of the content in a clear, organized format. She's helpful and understanding and was always willing to meet with me outside of class. If you put in the time, you will definitely do well in this class. If you need to enroll in Spanish 1060, make sure Professor Young is your teacher!
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