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16 Ratings
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Sections 2
Jill Mitchell is one of the kindest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She really cares about her students and is so helpful. However, I will never understand why UVA has this class be fully asynchronous with no lecture time. There is a lot of very challenging assignments every week that you are expected to teach yourself from the textbooks. It requires minimum of 7-10 hours a week to stay on track. But, if you keep up with the work, do all the questions, and practice A LOT for the exams, it is very possible to do well. I have learned a lot from this course but have also given a lot. Do not take this class the same semester that you have another challenging course, this should be your hardest class. If you have the time in your schedule to take this class, it is not that bad. I have a very good grasp on accounting now.
How do you do well in this class? Practice, practice, practice. Make sure you do all the practice/homework problems and the practice exams. This class will take priority over your other classes because of the lack of a lecture the amount of work that is dished out. However, most of the material is logical and relatively easy to understand once you learn the basics.
Professor Mitchell and the TAs are also very helpful, so I recommend going to them if you have any questions. You can even use the Microsoft Teams feature to ask them questions if you can't meet with them in person.
BEWARE THE EXAM QUESTIONS!! There is no partial credit given. Once you miss a problem, it's 8 points off your grade. I just missed the A- margin because of two questions I missed on previous exams, so I understand how painful it can be. Make sure you take advantage of the extra credit when you can, as there are plenty of opportunities to get back some of those points.
Actually the hardest class I have taken in history. The sheer amount of content you are expected to consume and master within a week is insane. You literally have 0 room to slack or have an off week. Yes, you can catch up if you really force yourself to, but each new week is a new onslaught on work - readings, practice problems, homework. I started 90% of the assignments on time and still struggled to finish by the due dates (btw, no late submissions allowed; you'll just get 0 points, which I think is unfair and makes things unnecessarily hard on students). Some chapters are much easier than others, but it's still a lot of hard work and effort. Don't take this class unless you're aiming for McIntire. Mitchell herself is kind, fast at responding, and very friendly and welcoming, but the course structure is set up to make most students get below B-. #tCFfall22
We are so lucky to have Jill Mitchell. She is one of the kindest and most understanding people I have ever met and she has truly made this course so enjoyable. Going into this course, I was nervous based on the prior reviews. However, Professor Mitchell’s efforts have actually made this my favorite class this semester. The material is definitely challenging, but extremely manageable if you put the work in. All of the resources you need are extremely accessible and Professor Mitchell/TAs are always there to help with anything else. I found the exams to be extremely fair- definitely make sure you know everything on the practice tests and you will be totally fine. If you stay on top of all of the material you will succeed in this course. I also really recommend going to Professor Mitchell’s office hours for help or just to talk in general- she is a wonderful professor and person.
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