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68 Ratings
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Sections 3
Great class. I never really listened to the lectures, but I did go to class. Professor Holt is a very enthusiastic and helpful professor. Be sure to take practice quizzes for the quizzes. For homework, go to the TA lecture session since the TA goes over homework questions. On a sidenote, the exams were nothing like the quizzes, but at least they aren't as heavily weighed as in other classes. Homework and quizzes help balance out the grade.
The class wasn't too bad. The homework problems do take a lot of time to complete but they are definitely manageable. Holt is super friendly and always had a smile. The only complain I have was about the midterm and final. You learn to do EVERYTHING in the course on excel, but you cant use it on the midterm or final so they are extremely difficult. Make sure to take the quizes and homework seriously because they can be what save your grade if you do less than ideal on the final and midterm.
Well, I'm pretty sure nobody takes this by choice, but Holt is tolerable. He reads straight off the slides, and up until the Final was a pretty approachable guy. However, he started acting quite odd towards the end of the semester and made himself less available and lectures became even further detached from doing the actual problems on the quizzes, homeworks, and especially the Midterm and Final. Both of those tests are extremely difficult, but your grade can be buffered by the Homework and Weekly quizzes which are very manageable with appropriate studying (unlimited practice quizzes, USE THEM!). It's a necessary evil, but based on reviews of other Stat teachers Holt may be your best option.
Also, Paul Diver is extremely helpful at review sessions, use him if still available!
i found this class to be extremely frustrating. there are two lectures a week. one with holt and the second with the TA to go over hw questions. so basically, she just does your homework with you while everyone follows along and does it at the same time. everything is done with excel but you cant have them for the exams which sucks. the quizzes are cumulative and only 5 questions long so they pull random ones from however many questions hw questions there were in past weeks combined (453 for the whole semester) quizzes are really important (36% of your grade) try hard to do well on them, especially in the beginning of the semester when theyre not as difficult. avg of the midterm was a 72. i dont the the final was much better
Jeff Holt is the man. This class is really not as hard as some people claim. If you decide to take STAT 2120, I would highly recommend taking this class with Mr. Holt. He is a very enthusiastic, effective, approachable and nice instructor. I think many people will agree that statistics isn't the most exciting topic, but taking this class with Holt is about as good as it gets. He really tries his best to make it as painless and enjoyable as possible. Just go to lectures, do the reading, watch his YouTube videos in the Chapter resource section and take a ton of practice quizzes (4 out of 5 questions on the graded quizzes are pulled from the practice quizzes). The weekly quizzes + homeworks are annoying, but beneficial in the long run because they force you to stay on top of the material. He is very organized and clear. Best professor for STAT 212, hands down.
This class is a nuisance, but Holt makes it as enjoyable as possible. He's a great teacher who explains the material really well. That being said, the midterm and final were WAY harder than the tests and homework and the weekly quizzes were obnoxious. You don't really need to go to lecture (and by that I mean it's a waste of time if you've taken stat before), just read the book and do your homework and you'll be fine. BUT study study study for the midterm and final!
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