Matthew Wheelock

Average Ratings

  • Rating

  • Difficulty

  • GPA


Education-Curriculum, Instruction, & Special Ed

EDIS 5993 | Independent Study
  • Rating

  • Difficulty

  • GPA

  • Last Taught

    Fall 2024

EDIS 7025 | Teachers as Leaders
  • Rating

  • Difficulty

  • GPA


  • Last Taught

    Fall 2024

EDIS 7805 | Past as Prologue: Examining Past Innovations to Envision the Future
  • Rating

  • Difficulty

  • GPA

  • Last Taught

    Summer 2024

EDIS 7815 | Pro-seminar: Innovations in Education
  • Rating

  • Difficulty

  • GPA


  • Last Taught

    Spring 2024

EDIS 7890 | Educational Entrepreneurship in Action-Practicum
  • Rating

  • Difficulty

  • GPA


  • Last Taught

    Spring 2024

EDIS 8060 | Advanced Instruction Seminar
  • Rating

  • Difficulty

  • GPA

  • Last Taught

    Fall 2024

EDIS 8970 | Field Study
  • Rating

  • Difficulty

  • GPA

  • Last Taught

    Fall 2024

EDIS 8982 | Practicum: Curriculum & Instruction
  • Rating

  • Difficulty

  • GPA

  • Last Taught

    Spring 2024

EDIS 9991 | Ed.D. Research
  • Rating

  • Difficulty

  • GPA

  • Last Taught

    Fall 2024

EDIS 9993 | Independent Study
  • Rating

  • Difficulty

  • GPA

  • Last Taught

    Fall 2024

Graduate Business

GBUS 8268 | Leadership and innovation in Education
  • Rating

  • Difficulty

  • GPA

  • Last Taught

    Spring 2024