• PLAC 4010

    Neighborhood Planning Studio




    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Explores neighborhood, planning issues from the professionals' and citizens' perspectives. Cross-listed with PLAC 5610.

  • PLAC 5240

    Collaborative Planning for Sustainability






    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Collaborative Planning for Sustainability asserts that communities can only be sustained ecologically, socially, and economically by community members working together to solve problems. Most people yearn for ways to engage one another productively to care for their environment and their communities. Such caring can engender conflict, but when done well, authentic collaborative planning can transform civic disarray into civic virtue.

  • PLAC 5800

    Green Infrastructure: Cities




    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Green infrastructure includes water, habitats, parks, soils, and forests essential for healthy communities and building community resiliency. Working in teams, students conduct field work and determine community needs and opportunities for a community's urban forests, water, recreation, and historic and cultural resources. Students then complete a strategic green infrastructure plan for a city.

  • PLAC 5623

    Inclusive Cities



    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    This course will help you identify global segregation trends in cities and the role of planning and designing interventions to reduce inequality and segregation towards disadvantaged socio-economic groups, racial minorities, people with physical and cognitive disabilities, children, older adults, refugees, gender minorities, etc. This course will build your confidence in your ability to design and plan participatory, inclusive, and innovative ways of re-thinking the city.

  • PLAC 5993

    Applied Independent Study



    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Applied independent study.