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Fall 2024
Overview of the mechanical engineer's role as analyst and designer. Introduction to manufacturing tools, equipment, and processes; properties of materials relative to manufacture and design. Pre-requisite: PHYS 1425 or PHYS 1420 or PHYS 1710. Co-requisite: APMA 2120 or MATH 2310 or MATH 2315
Fall 2024
Historical introduction, standard atmosphere, basic aerodynamics, airfoils and wings, flight mechanics, stability and control, propulsion (airbreathing, rocket and space), orbital mechanics.
Fall 2024
Communication through engineering graphics; engineering drawing interpretation, sectioning, auxiliary views; and analysis and design of mechanical devices. Workshop includes CAD and solid modeling.
Fall 2024
Includes the formulation of the first and second laws of thermodynamics; energy conservation; concepts of equilibrium, temperature, energy, and entropy; equations of state; processes involving energy transfer as work and heat; reversibility and irreversibility; closed and open systems; and cyclic processes. Prerequisite: APMA 1110 or MATH 1320
Fall 2024
Basic concepts of mechanics, systems of forces and couples: equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies; analysis of structures: trusses, frames, machines; internal forces, shear and bending moment diagrams; distributed forces; friction, centroids and moments of inertia; introduction to stress and strain; computer applications. Cross-listed as CE 2300. Prerequisite: PHYS 1425 or PHYS 1420 or PHYS 1710
Fall 2024
Kinematic and kinetic aspects of motion modeling applied to rigid bodies and mechanisms. Focus on free-body-analysis. Use of work-energy and impulse-momentum motion prediction methods. Use of Cartesian and simple non-Cartesian coordinate systems. Rotational motion, angular momentum, and rotational kinetic-energy modeling; body mass rotational moment of inertia. Relative-velocity and acceleration. Prerequisite: MAE 2300 or CE 2300
Fall 2024
Development of fundamentals of heat transfer from a nanoscale or atomic perspective, as applied to nanotechnology and energy applications; topics include selected relevant concepts from Kinetic Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Solid State Physics, Statistical Thermodynamics, wave vs. particle transport theory, Landauer and Boltzmann Transport Formalisms, and thermoelectricity. Prerequisite: APMA 2130 or MATH 3250 or APMA 2501 - Differential Equations & Linear Algebra.
Fall 2024
Introduction to fluid flow concepts and equations; integral and differential forms of mass, momentum, and energy conservation with emphasis on one-dimensional flow; fluid statics; Bernoulli's equation; viscous effects; Courette flow, Poiseuille flow, and pipe flow; boundary layers; one-dimensional compressible flow; normal shock waves; flow with friction or heat addition; isothermal flow; and applications. Prerequisite: APMA 2130 or MATH 3250 or APMA 2501 - Differential Equations & Linear Algebra.
Fall 2024
Application of experimental methods for thermal-fluid behavior. Topics include fluid properties, pressure and buoyancy, jet momentum, dimensional analysis, pipe flow, data analysis, particle image velocimetry, and measurement uncertainty. The laboratory experience will include activities to reinforce principles from Thermodynamics (MAE 2100) and Fluid Mechanics (MAE 3210). Co-requisite: MAE 3210 Fluid Mechanics
Fall 2024
Analyzes the design of elements under combined stresses; bending and torsional stresses in thin-walled beams; energy and other methods applied to statically determinate and indeterminate aerospace structural elements; buckling of simple structural members; and matrix and finite element analysis. Prerequisite: MAE 2310 or CE 2310.
Fall 2024
Introduces numerical modeling concepts used in engineering simulation tools like computational fluid dynamics and structural mechanics analysis software. Topics covered include discretization methods of partial differential equations, numerical solutions of linear matrix equations, and relaxation techniques for solving stiff equation sets. As part of the course, students will use Matlab, CFD, and mechanical analysis tools.
Fall 2024
Introduces physical-chemical/microstructural and working mechanical properties, along with practical applications, for materials of wide interest on aerospace materials. Includes common metal, polymer, ceramic, and composite materials. Topics include standard materials names/designations; standard forming methods; usual strengthening means; temperature and temperature-history effects. Prerequisite CHEM 1410 or 1610 or CHEM 1810: Corequisite MAE 2310 or CE 2310.
Fall 2024
Presents general concepts of dynamical systems modeling and provides mathematical tools to develop and analyze models that describe input/output behaviors of physical systems. Topics include basic elements of mechanical systems, transfer functions, frequency response, stability and poles, resonance and natural frequency, transient and time constant, steady state and DC gain, block diagrams. Prerequisites: MAE 2320 and APMA 2130
Fall 2024
Aero- and thermodynamics of compressible fluids in air-breathing and rocket engines. Performance and cycle analysis of air-breathing engines, emphasizing turbojets, turbofans, turboprops, and ramjets; space propulsion including rocket dynamics, thrust chamber thermodynamics, and propulsion performance; performance of axial-flow and centrifugal compressors; turbines; and the matching of engine components. Prerequisite: MAE 3210 and MAE 2100.
Fall 2024
Mechanical design and build of a robot complete with sensors and actuators. Install Robot Operating System (ROS) and operate. Communication using ROS. Integration of microcontrollers and onboard computers. Object recognition. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) of the environment. Pre-requisites: 4th year standing or instructor's permission
Fall 2024
Applies basic engineering science, design methods, and systems analysis to developing areas and current problems in mechanical engineering. Topics vary based on student and faculty interest. Prerequisite: 3rd or 4th year standing.
Fall 2024
Applies basic engineering science, design methods, and systems analysis to developing areas and current problems in aerospace engineering. Topics vary based on student and faculty interest. Prerequisite: Third or Fourth-year standing.
Fall 2024
Applied research in areas pertinent to aerospace engineering; conducted in close consultation with a departmental faculty advisor. Includes the design and construction of experiments, analysis, or the investigation of physical phenomena. The research may be related to ongoing faculty research and may be the topic of the senior thesis, but its scope must be significantly beyond that required for the thesis. Prerequisite Fourth yr. standing.
Fall 2024
Coverage of the design process including project management, specifications, budgeting and case histories, Conceptual, preliminary, and detailed design phases. Technical proposal and report preparation and technical presentations. Organization of design teams to work on specific semester long mechanical design projects selected to illustrate the design process. Engineering 4th Year Standing or instructor permission.
Fall 2024
Analyze design requirements for and produce conceptual design of an aircraft. Includes synthesis of materials, structures, propulsion, flight mechanics, stability and control, interior and external configuration, cockpit design and all systems. Work in teams. Trade studies and optimization. State-of-the-art report, presentations and interimreport. Prerequisite: MAE 3220, MAE 3310, MAE 3730; Corequisite: MAE 4120.
Fall 2024
Introduces continuum mechanics and mechanics of deformable solids. Vectors and cartesian tensors, stress, strain, deformation, equations of motion, constitutive laws, introduction to elasticity, thermal elasticity, viscoelasticity, plasticity, and fluids. Cross-listed as APMA 6020, AM 6020. Taught concurrently w/ CE 6720. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
Fall 2024
The course covers state-of-the-art mechanical models to describe the constitutive behavior of hard and soft tissues with emphasis on biological form following physiological function. The course will cover linear and nonlinear elasticity, viscoelasticity, poroelasticity, and biphasic constitutive relations in the context of biological systems and will include the dependence of macroscopic behavior and properties on material microstructure. Prerequisite: MAE 6020
Fall 2024
This course will begin with a study of the fundamental microscopic energy carriers (definitions, properties, energy levels and disruptions of photons, phonons, and electrons.) Transport of energy will then be investigated with an emphasis on microscale effects in space and in time. The approaches used to describe microscale heat transportation differ significantly from the macroscopic phenomenological approaches and include new physical mechanisms. They often involve solution of the Boltzman transport equation and the equation of phonon radiative transfer. These approaches will be introduced with an emphasis on ultra-short time scale heating and ultra-low temperatures. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
Fall 2024
Mechanical design and build of a robot complete with sensors and actuators. Install Robot Operating System (ROS) and operate. Communication using ROS. Integration of microcontrollers and onboard computers. Object recognition. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) of the environment. Prerequisites: undergraduate dynamics; a programming course in Python, C++, or MATLAB; or instructor's permission
Fall 2024
Analyzes the theory and solution methods applicable to multi-dimensional compressible inviscid gas flows at subsonic, supersonic, and hypersonic speeds; similarity and scaling rules from small-petrurbation theory, introduction to transonic and hypersonic flows; method-of-characteristics applications to nozzle flows, jet expansions, and flows over bodies one dimensional non-steady flows; properties of gases in thermodynamic equilibrium, including kinetic-theory, chemical-thermodynamics, and statistical-mechanics considerations; dissociation and ionization process; quasi-equilibrium flows; and introduction to non-equilibrium flows. Prerequisite: MAE 6100.
Fall 2024
Review of ordinary differential equations, initial/boundary value problems. Linear algebra including systems of linear equations, matrices, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, diagonalization. Solution of partial differential equations that govern physical phenomena in science and engineering by separation by variables, superposition, Fourier series, variation of parameter, d'Alembert's solution. Cross-listed as APMA 6410. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Fall 2024
Study of a specialized, advanced, or exploratory topic relating to mechanical or aerospace engineering science, at the first-graduate-course level. May be offered on a seminar or a team-taught basis. Subjects selected according to faculty interest. New graduate courses are usually introduced in this form. Specific topics and prerequisites are listed in the Course Offering Directory.
Fall 2024
This course has been developed for general graduate students and advanced undergraduate students in engineering. Assuming only basic knowledge of matrix operations, differential equations and electric circuits, the course aims to introduce, through numerous examples, fundamental concepts and tools for the analysis and design of control systems.
Fall 2024
Includes the solution of flow and heat transfer problems involving steady and transient convective and diffusive transport; superposition and panel methods for inviscid flow, finite-difference methods for elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations, elementary grid generation for odd geometries, primitive variable and vorticity-steam function algorithms for incompressible, multidimensional flows. Extensive use of personal computers/workstations, including interactive graphics. Prerequisite: MAE 6310 or instructor permission.
Fall 2024
This course is designed to develop cross-competency in the technical, analytical, and professional capabilities necessary for the emerging field of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). It provides convergence learning activities based around the applications, technologies, and system designs of CPS as well as exploring the ethical, social, and policy dimensions of CPS work. The course also emphasizes the importance of communication as a necessary skill.
Fall 2024
Independent study of first-year graduate level material under the supervision of a faculty member. Prerequisite: Students must petition the department Graduate Studies Committee before enrolling.
Fall 2024
Reviews chemical thermodynamics, including conservation laws, perfect gas mixtures, combustion chemistry and chemical equilibrium; finite-rate chemical kinetics; conservation equations for multicomponent reacting systems; detonation and deflagration waves in premixed gases; premixed laminar flames; gaseous diffusion flames and droplet evaporation; introduction to turbulent flames; chemically-reacting boundary-layer flows; ignition; applications to practical problems in energy systems, aircraft propulsion systems, and internal combustion engines. Projects selected from topics of interest to the class. Prerequisite: Undergraduate thermodynamics and MAE 6310, or instructor permission.
Fall 2024
Required one-hour weekly seminar for master's students in mechanical and aerospace and nuclear engineering. Students enrolled in MAE 8999 or 6594/7540 make formal presentations of their work.
Fall 2024
Required one-hour weekly seminar for doctoral students in mechanical, aerospace, and nuclear engineering. Students enrolled in MAE 9999 may make formal presentations of their work.
Fall 2024
For master's students.
Fall 2024
Formal documentation of faculty supervision of thesis research. Each full-time, resident Master of Science student in mechanical and aerospace engineering is required to register for this course for the number of credits equal to the difference between his or her regular course load (not counting the one-credit MAE 7510 seminar) and 12.
Fall 2024
For doctoral students.
Fall 2024
Formal documentation of faculty supervision of dissertation research. Each full-time resident doctoral student in mechanical and aerospace engineering is required to register for this course for the number of credits equal to the difference between his or her regular course load (not counting the one-credit MAE 8591 seminar) and 12.
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