• CE 3300

    Structural Mechanics






    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Fundamentals of structural mechanics: equilibrium compatibility, determinacy, stability; mathematical models of structural elements: stress resultants in bars, beams, and framed structures; calculation of deflections; general analysis of structures: concepts of stiffness and flexibility, force and displacement methods of analysis. Prerequisite: CE 2310.

  • CE 4210

    Stormwater Management






    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Emphasizes the management of stormwater quantity and quality, especially in urban areas. Course includes impacts of stormwater on infrastructure and ecosystems, hydrologic and contaminant transport principles, stormwater regulation, structural and non-structural stormwater management approaches, and modeling tools for stormwater analysis and management. Prerequisite: CE 3220

  • CE 3100

    Water for the World






    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    This course will examine complex issues associated with providing potable water to the world's population. Topics will include the use of surface and ground water as potable water supplies, fund. of water chemistry, the engineering principles used to design modern water treatment and distribution systems, and problems associated with providing potable water in developing global communities. Pre-reqs: CHEM 1410 or CHEM 1810, and APMA 2130 or MATH 3250 or APMA 2501 - Differential Equations & Linear Algebra. (CE 3210 recommended)

  • CE 2300







    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Basic concepts of mechanics: systems of forces and couples: equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies; analysis of structures: trusses, frames, machines; internal forces, shear and bending moment diagrams; distributed forces; friction, centroids and moments of inertia; principle of virtual work; and computer applications. Cross-listed as MAE 2300. Prerequisite: PHYS 1425 or PHYS 1420 or PHYS 1710.

  • CE 3710

    Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering






    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Introduces the fundamental principles of particulate mechanics with an emphasis on soil strength, consolidation behavior, and fluid flow. Concepts of theoretical soil mechanics and soil physics. Prerequisites: CE 2310.

  • CE 3210

    Fluid Mechanics






    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Studies the statics and dynamics of incompressible fluids, primarily water. The basic principles of fluid flow, energy equation, and momentum equation, are presented and applied to closed conduit flow, open channel flow, and problems of flow measurement pertinent to civil engineering practices. Prerequisite: CE 2300 or equivalent.

  • CE 2010

    Civil Engineering Techniques






    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Development of fundamental civil engineering design knowledge and skills, with a focus on surveying, engineering graphics, and engineering economics. Emphasis on hands-on experience with the latest equipment and technology. Prerequisites: Engineering students or instructor permission.

  • CE 2030

    Management of Engineering and Construction Projects






    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    This course provides the essential aspects of the "Project lifecycle" process from the initial conception phase through the completion phase of a project. Specifically, by focusing on the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) projects, students will be introduced to important concepts related to planning and financing a project, budgeting and scheduling, and managing and controlling a technical engineering project.

  • CE 4160

    Environmental Microbiology and Biological Waste Treatment






    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    We will explore terminology and concepts for characterizing and mathematically modeling human impacts on microbial systems and vice versa. Special consideration will be given to microbe-mediated cycling of organic materials (i.e., pollutants) in natural and engineered systems, including: conventional water and wastewater treatment, municipal landfills, pristine and contaminated groundwater and surface waters, etc. Prerequisites: CE 2100 and CE 3100

  • CE 4991

    Civil Engineering Design and Practice






    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    This course will broaden a student's exposure to professional practice issues, including project planning and management, financial and contractual relationships. The major focus of the course will be providing practical civil engineering design experience. Students will participate in one or more multi-disciplinary team design projects requiring integration of technical skills from sub-areas of Civil Engineering. Prerequisite: 4th yr standing as CE major

  • CE 4500

    Special Topics in Civil Engineering






    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Applies basic engineering principles, analytical procedures and design methodology to special problems of current interest in civil engineering. Topic for each semester are announced at the time of course enrollment. Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing and instructor permission.

  • CE 5020

    Introduction to Geographic Information Systems






    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Introduces engineering problem solving using geographic information systems (GIS). GIS has proven to be an effective tool in civil engineering applications that incluce a significant spatial component. The course addresses basic GIS concepts, and includes hands-on exercises using GIS software.

  • CE 3030

    Land Development Engineering



    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Through this course students will develop critical engineering skills for sustainable land development, including project procurement, road design, utility/stormwater design, site grading design, and construction. The course provides an experience similar to working in a professional site/civil engineering design firm. Project work will require the use of technology design tools (CAD), leadership, and problem solving. Prerequisite: CE 2010

  • CE 3712

    Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory




    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Laboratory study of soil properties. Students will gather and evaluate data to determine particle size, permeability, dry density, compressive strength, shear strength, and critical water contents of soil specimen. Students will conduct ASTM standard soil tests and prepare written reports. Pre-requisite CE 2310, Co-requisite CE 3710.

  • CE 3800

    Civil Engineering Undergraduate Seminar



    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Students will be introduced to current civil engineering challenges and emerging solutions. Research and practical case studies will be included. Participants will summarize and explore implications of introduced topics.

  • CE 4015

    Construction Industry Workshop: Bringing Theory to Practice



    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    This course is co-taught in partnership with field engineers, project managers, subject matter experts, and executives from the top construction companies of the region, in a series of case-study sessions designed to bring CEM theory and practice into the same room. Prereq: Already taken CE 2030 or currently enrolled in CE 2030.

  • CE 4045

    Behavioral Design



    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Behavioral sciences offer rigorous and rapidly advancing insight into how people interact with their environments and with each other. This project-based course will expand students' design repertoires by connecting to psychology and related fields. This course is for "designers" broadly construed: those who wish to influence areas such as architecture, engineering, policy, and business. Pre-reqs: CE2010 or SYS2001 or instructor permission.

  • CE 4050

    Risk Analysis




    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    This course is an introduction to the theory, methods, and applications of risk analysis and systems engineering. The topics include research and development priorities, risk-cost-benefit analysis, emergency management, human health and safety, environmental risk, extreme events, infrastructure resilience, system interdependencies, and enterprise systems. Prerequisites: Course in Probability/Statistics; Third or fourth year standing in SEAS; Or permission of instructor.

  • CE 4320

    Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design



    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Advanced topics in reinforced concrete design, including design of slender columns, deflections, torsion in reinforced concrete, design of continuous frames, and two-way floor systems. Introduction to design of tall structures in reinforced concrete, and design of shear walls. Prerequisite: CE 3330.

  • CE 4995

    Civil Engineering Research




    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Study of a civil engineering problem in depth by each student using library, computer, or laboratory facilities. The project is conducted in close consultation with departmental faculty and involves survey, analysis, or project development. Progress reports and a comprehensive written report are required. May be repeated if necessary. Prerequisite: Contact individual professor for Instructor Permission.

  • CE 5045

    Construction Practice



    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    This course offers a practical immersion in a live campus construction project, providing direct exposure to the roles and duties of Project Engineers, Managers, and Superintendents. By engaging in field activities, meetings, and context analysis, participants gain valuable hands-on understanding of construction management, problem-solving, and the decision-making process, preparing them with the competencies valued by industry experts.

  • CE 5340

    Advanced Topics in Structural Engineering




    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Direct stiffness analysis of frames and grids; second order frame analysis; uniform torsion of non-circular sections; influence functions; introduction to work and energy theorems; polynomial approximation and approximate stiffness matrices for framed structures; topics in beam analysis including shear deformable beams, beams on elastic foundations and elastic foundations. Prerequisite: CE 3300 or equivalent.

  • CE 5400

    Traffic Operations




    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    This course provides students with fundamental knowledge of traffic operations including traffic data collection and analysis, safety and crash studies, traffic flow theory, highway capacity analysis, signalized intersection design and analysis, simulation modeling, and sustainable transportation system.

  • CE 5500

    Special Topics in Civil Engineering




    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Applies basic engineering principles, analytical procedures and design methodology to special problems of current interest in civil engineering. Topic for each semester are announced at the time of course enrollment.

  • CE 6230





    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Stresses the quantitative description and the physical basis of hydrology. Both deterministic and stochastic methodology are applied to the analysis of the hydrologic cycle, namely, precipitation, evaporation, overland flow and stream flow, infiltration, and groundwater flow. The use of compute simulation models, especially microcomputer based models, is emphasized. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

  • CE 6260

    Environmental Microbiology and Biological Waste Treatment




    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    We will explore terminology and concepts for characterizing and mathematically modeling human impacts on microbial systems and vice versa. Special consideration will be given to microbe-mediated cycling of organic materials (i.e., pollutants) in natural and engineered systems, including: conventional water and wastewater treatment, municipal landfills, pristine and contaminated groundwater and surface waters, etc.

  • CE 6500

    Special Topics in Civil Engineering




    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Detailed study of special topics in civil engineering. Master's-level graduate students. Prerequisites: to be listed for each section as needed

  • CE 6710

    Advanced Mechanics of Materials




    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Reviews basic stress-strain concepts; constitutive relations. Studies unsymmetrical bending, shear center, and shear flow. Analyzes curved flexural members, beams on elastic foundation, torsion, bending, and twisting of thin walled sections. Taught concurrently w/ AM 6010. Prerequisite: Undergraduate mechanics and mathematics.

  • CE 6720

    Continuum Mechanics



    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Introduces continuum mechanics and mechanics of deformable solids. Vectors and cartesian tensors, stress, strain, deformation, equations of motion, constitutive laws, introduction to elasticity, thermal elasticity, viscoelasticity, plasticity, and fluids. Taught concurrently with APMA 6020, AM 6020, MAE 6020. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

  • CE 6780

    Cyber-Physical Systems Technology and Ethics



    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    This course is designed to develop cross-competency in the technical, analytical, and professional capabilities necessary for the emerging field of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). It provides convergence learning activities based around the applications, technologies, and system designs of CPS as well as exploring the ethical, social, and policy dimensions of CPS work. The course also emphasizes the importance of communication as a necessary skill.

  • CE 6993

    Independent Study



    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Detailed study of graduate course material on an independent basis under the guidance of a faculty member. Master's-level graduate students. Prerequisites: Instructor Permission

  • CE 6995

    Supervised Project Research



    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Formal record of student commitment to project research under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Registration may be repeated as necessary. Master's-level graduate students. Prerequisites: Instructor Permission

  • CE 7001

    Graduate Seminar



    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Weekly meeting of graduate students and faculty for presentation and discussion of contemporary research and practice in civil engineering. This seminar is offered every spring and fall semesters. Prerequisite: For students who have established resident credit.

  • CE 7993

    Independent Research in CE



    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Detailed independent study of graduate course material under the guidance of a faculty member. Doctoral-level graduate students. Prerequisites: Instructor Permission

  • CE 8001

    Graduate Teaching Instruction



    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    For graduate students who will be GTA for a course taught by CE faculty who have granted Instructor Permission for that section. Prerequisites: Instructor Permission

  • CE 8999




    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Formal record of student commitment to master's thesis research under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Registration may be repeated as necessary.Prerequisites: Instructor Permission

  • CE 9999




    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

    Formal record of student commitment to doctoral research under the guidance of a faculty advisor.Prerequisites: Instructor Permission