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Spring 2025
Studies finite probability theory including combinatorics, equiprobable models, conditional probability and Bayes' theorem, expectation and variance, and Markov chains.
Spring 2025
The study of the mathematics needed to understand and answer a variety of questions that arise in everyday financial dealings. The emphasis is on applications, including simple and compound interest, valuation of bonds, amortization, sinking funds, and rates of return on investments. A solid understanding of algebra is assumed.
Spring 2025
Provides an activity and project-based exploration of informal geometry in two and three dimensions. Emphasizes visualization skill, fundamental geometric concepts, and the analysis of shapes and patterns. Topics include concepts of measurement, geometric analysis, transformations, similarity, tessellations, flat and curved spaces, and topology.
Spring 2025
Studies basic concepts, operations, and structures occurring in number systems, number theory, and algebra. Inquiry-based student investigations explore historical developments and conceptual transitions in the development of number and algebraic systems.
Spring 2025
A first calculus course for business/biology/social-science students. Topics include college algebra/limits and continuity/differentiation and integration of algebraic and elementary transcendental functions/applications to related-rates & optimization problems as well as to curve sketching & exponential growth. At most one of MATH 1190, MATH 1210, and 1310 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite: No previous exposure to Calculus.
Spring 2025
A first calculus course for business/biology/social-science students. Topics include limits and continuity/differentiation & integration of algebraic & elementary transcendental functions/applications to related-rates & optimization problems as well as to curve sketching & exponential growth. At most one of MATH 1190, MATH 1210, and MATH 1310 may be taken for credit.
Spring 2025
A second calculus course for business/biology/and social-science students. Topics include differential equations/infinite series/analysis of functions of several variables/analysis of probability density functions of continuous random variables. The course begins with a review of basic single-variable calculus. Prerequisite: MATH 1210 or equivalent; at most one of MATH 1220 and MATH 1320 may be taken for credit.
Spring 2025
A first calculus course for natural-science majors/students planning further work in mathematics/students intending to pursue graduate work in applied social sciences. Introduces differential & integral calculus for single-variable functions, emphasizing techniques/applications & major theorems, like the fundamental theorem of calculus. Prerequisite: Background in algebra/trigonometry/exponentials/logarithms/analytic geometry.
Spring 2025
A second calculus course for natural-science majors, students planning additional work in mathematics, and students intending to pursue graduate work in the applied social sciences. Topics include applications of the integral, techniques of integration, differential equations, infinite series, parametric equations, and polar coordinates. Prerequisite: MATH 1310 or equivalent; at most one of MATH 1220 and MATH 1320 may be taken for credit.
Spring 2025
A continuation of Calc I and II, this course is about functions of several variables. Topics include finding maxima and minima of functions of several variables/surfaces and curves in three-dimensional space/integration over these surfaces and curves. Additional topics: conservative vector fields/Stokes' and the divergence theorems/how these concepts relate to real world applications. Prerequisite: MATH 1320 or the equivalent.
Spring 2025
Covers basic concepts with an emphasis on writing mathematical proofs. Topics include logic, sets, functions and relations, equivalence relations and partitions, induction, and cardinality. Prerequisite: Math 1320; and students with a grade of B or better in Math 3310, 3354, or any 5000-level Math course are not eligible to enroll in Math 3000.
Spring 2025
Introduces fundamental ideas of probability, the theory of randomness. Focuses on problem solving and understanding key theoretical ideas. Topics include sample spaces, counting, random variables, classical distributions, expectation, Chebyshev's inequality, independence, central limit theorem, conditional probability, generating functions, joint distributions. Prerequisite: MATH 1320 or equivalent. Strongly recommended: MATH 2310
Spring 2025
Introduces the methods, theory, and applications of differential equations. Includes first-order, second and higher-order linear equations, series solutions, linear systems of first-order differential equations, and the associated matrix theory. May include numerical methods, non-linear systems, boundary value problems, and additional applications. Prerequisite: MATH 1320 or its equivalent.
Spring 2025
A rigorous development of the properties of the real numbers and the ideas of calculus including theorems on limits, continuity, differentiability, convergence of infinite series, and the construction of the Riemann integral. Students without prior experience constructing rigorous proofs are encouraged to take Math 3000 before or concurrently with Math 3310. Prerequisite: MATH 1320.
Spring 2025
This course is a continuation of MATH 2315. Covers topics from linear algebra/differential equations/real analysis. Success in this course and MATH 2315 (grades of B- or higher) exempts the student from the math major requirement of taking MATH 3351 and MATH 3250. Students are encouraged to take more advanced courses in these areas. Prerequisite: MATH 2315.
Spring 2025
Covers functions of a complex variable that are complex differentiable and the unusual and useful properties of such functions. Some topics: Cauchy's integral formula/power series/the residue theorem/Rouché's theorem. Applications include doing real integrals using complex methods and applications to fluid flow in two dimensions. Prerequisite: MATH 2310.
Spring 2025
Topics will include systems of linear equations, matrix operations and inverses, vector spaces and subspaces, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, matrix factorizations, inner products and orthogonality, and linear transformations. Emphasis will be on applications, with computer software integrated throughout the course. The target audience for MATH 3350 is non-math majors from disciplines that apply tools from linear algebra. Credit is not given for both MATH 3350 and 3351.
Spring 2025
Includes matrices, elementary row operations, inverses, vector spaces and bases, inner products and Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, orthogonal matrices, linear transformations and change of basis, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and symmetric matrices. Emphasis will be on the theory of the subject and abstract arguments. Credit is not given for both MATH 3350 and 3351. Prerequisite: MATH 1320.
Spring 2025
Surveys major topics of modern algebra: groups, rings, and fields. Presents applications to areas such as geometry and number theory; explores rational, real, and complex number systems, and the algebra of polynomials. Students without prior experience constructing rigorous proofs are encouraged to take Math 3000 before or concurrently with Math 3354. Prerequisite: MATH 1320.
Spring 2025
Topics in probability selected from Random walks, Markov processes, Brownian motion, Poisson processes, branching processes, stationary time series, linear filtering and prediction, queuing processes, and renewal theory. Prerequisites: MATH 3100 and MATH 3351.
Spring 2025
This class introduces students to the mathematics used in pricing derivative securities. Topics include a review of the relevant probability theory of conditional expectation and martingales/the elements of financial markets and derivatives/pricing contingent claims in the binomial & the finite market model/(time permitting) the Black-Scholes model. Prerequisites: MATH 3100, MATH 3351 and a proof-based course (MATH 3000, MATH 3310 or MATH 3354).
Spring 2025
A second course in ordinary differential equations, from the dynamical systems point of view. Topics include: existence and uniqueness theorems; linear systems; qualitative study of equilibria and attractors; bifurcation theory; introduction to chaotic systems. Further topics as chosen by the instructor. Applications drawn from physics, biology, and engineering. Prerequisites: MATH 3351 or APMA 3080 and MATH 3310 or MATH 4310.
Spring 2025
Includes Taylor's theorem, solution of nonlinear equations, interpolation and approximation by polynomials, numerical quadrature. May also cover numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations, Fourier series, or least-square approximation. Prerequisite: MATH 3250 and computer proficiency.
Spring 2025
Differential and integral calculus in Euclidean spaces. Implicit and inverse function theorems, differential forms and Stokes' theorem. Prerequisites: multivariable calculus, basic real analysis, linear algebra and one of the following: MATH 4310, MATH 4651, MATH 4770, MATH 3315, or instructor permission.
Spring 2025
This course provides the opportunity to offer a new topic in the subject of mathematics.
Spring 2025
Review of topics from Math 3351: vector spaces, bases, dimension, matrices and linear transformations, diagonalization; however, the material is covered in greater depth and generality. The course continues with more advanced topics including Jordan canonical forms and introduction to bilinear forms. Prerequisites: a proof-based course and familiarity with computational aspects of elementary linear algebra. Math 3354 is strongly recommended
Spring 2025
Structural properties of basic algebraic systems such as groups, rings, and fields. A special emphasis is made on polynomials in one and several variables, including irreducible polynomials, unique factorization, and symmetric polynomials. Time permitting such topics as group representations or algebras over a field may be included. Prerequisites: MATH 3351 or 4651 and MATH 3354 or permission of the instructor.
Spring 2025
This course will introduce students to the techniques and methods of mathematical research. Students will independently work with mathematical literature on a topic assigned by the instructor and present their findings in various formats (presentation, paper etc.).
Spring 2025
This is the second semester of a two semester sequence for the purpose of the completion of a Distinguished Major Thesis. A faculty member guides the student through all phases of the process which culminates in an open presentation of the thesis to an audience including a faculty evaluation committee. Prerequisite: MATH 4900.
Spring 2025
Reading and study programs in areas of interest to individual students. For third- and fourth-years interested in topics not covered in regular courses. Students must obtain a faculty advisor to approve and direct the program.
Spring 2025
Topics selected from analytic, affine, projective, hyperbolic, and non-Euclidean geometry. Prerequisite: MATH 2310, 3351, or instructor permission.
Spring 2025
A rigorous program of supervised study designed to expose the student to a particular area of mathematics. Prerequisite: Instructor permission and graduate standing.
Spring 2025
This seminar discusses the issues related to research in Mathematics. There are speakers from the different areas of mathematics represented at the University of Virginia. Credit may not be used towards a Master's degree. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in mathematics.
Spring 2025
Introduces measure and integration theory. Prerequisite: MATH 5310 or equivalent.
Spring 2025
Studies groups, rings, fields, modules, tensor products, and multilinear functions. Prerequisite: MATH 5651, 5652, or equivalent.
Spring 2025
Further topics in algebra.
Spring 2025
Topics include the fundamental group, covering spaces, covering transformations, the universal covering spaces, graphs and subgroups of free groups, and the fundamental groups of surfaces. Additional topics will be from homology, including chain complexes, simplicial and singular homology, exact sequences and excision, cellular homology, and classical applications. Prerequisite: MATH 5352, 5770, or equivalent.
Spring 2025
Examines fiber bundles; induced bundles, principal bundles, classifying spaces, vector bundles, and characteristic classes, and introduces K-theory and Bott periodicity. Prerequisite: MATH 7800.
Spring 2025
Topics in the theory of operators on a Hilbert space and related areas of function theory.
Spring 2025
This course presents the basic theory of stochastic differential equations and provides examples of its applications. It is an essential topic for students preparing to do research in probability. Topics covered include a review of the relevant stochastic process and martingale theory; stochastic calculus including Ito's formula; existence and uniqueness for stochastic differential equations, strong Markov property; and applications. Prerequisite: MATH 7360 and 7370, or instructor permission.
Spring 2025
Discusses fundamental problems and results of the theory of random matrices, and their connections to tools of algebra and combinatorics: Wigner's semicircle law, free probability, Gaussian, circular, and beta ensembles of random matrices, bulk and edge asymptotics and universality, Dyson's Brownian motion, determinantal point processes, and discrete analogues of random matrix models. Prerequisite: MATH 7360 or instructor permission.
Spring 2025
Studies the foundations of algebraic geometry.
Spring 2025
Studies regular and critical values, gradient flow, handle decompositions, Morse theory, h-cobordism theorem, Dehn's lemma in dimension 3, and disk theorem in dimension 4. Prerequisite: Math 5770.
Spring 2025
Studies the basic structure theory of groups, especially finite groups.
Spring 2025
Discusses topics from number theory.
Spring 2025
Harmonic Analysis and PDEs seminar
Spring 2025
Operator Theory Seminar
Spring 2025
Galois-Grothendieck Seminar
Spring 2025
Mathematical Physics Seminar
Spring 2025
Discusses subjects from geometry and topology.
Spring 2025
Algebra Seminar
Spring 2025
Independent Research
Spring 2025
For doctoral research, taken before a dissertation director has been selected.
Spring 2025
The Mathematics Colloquium is held weekly, the sessions being devoted to research activities of students and faculty members, and to reports by visiting mathematicians on current work of interest. For doctoral dissertation, taken under the supervision of a dissertation director.
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