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Fall 2024
The course will cover the major classes of therapeutically relevant drugs, and how they work at the molecular and cellular levels. The major topics include: general principles, chemical mediators, drugs affecting major organ systems and chemotherapy of infectious and malignant disease. Prerequisite: PHY 8040 and PHY 8041 or Instructor Permission.
Fall 2024
The course will cover the major classes of therapeutically relevant drugs, and how they work at the molecular and cellular levels. The major topics include: general principles, chemical mediators, drugs affecting the central nervous system. Prerequisite: PHAR 9001
Fall 2024
Recent developments in pharmacology are presented by outside speakers at weekly intervals to faculty, staff and students. Students may participate by meeting with the speaker during the day of the seminar. One hour weekly during both the first and second semesters.
Spring 2025
Recent developments in pharmacology are presented by outside speakers at weekly intervals to faculty, staff and students. Students may participate by meeting with the speaker during the day of the seminar. One hour weekly during both the first and second semesters.
Fall 2024
A continuing seminar based on papers in the current literature. Required participation by departmental faculty, fellows, and graduate students. One hour per week.
Spring 2025
A continuing seminar based on papers in the current literature. Required participation by departmental faculty, fellows, and graduate students. One hour per week.
Fall 2024
This course will help students learn to effectively communicate scientific concepts and proposals in the field of Pharmacology. Trainees will practice effective science writing and will participate in extensive peer and faculty workshop sessions as they prepare materials for their Advancement to Candidacy Exam or for an NIH NRSA-style fellowship application.
Fall 2024
Special Topics in Pharmacology
Spring 2025
Original research on approved problems.
Spring 2025
For doctoral dissertation, taken under the supervision of a dissertation director.
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