SYS 6050

Risk Analysis

Course Description

Pre-Requisite(s): APMA 3100, SYS 3021, or equivalent

A study of technological systems, where decisions are made under conditions of risk and uncertainty. Topics include conceptualization (the nature, perception, and epistemology of risk, and the process of risk assessment and management) systems engineering tools for risk analysis (basic concepts in probability and decision analysis, event trees, decision trees, and multiobjective analysis), and methodologies for risk analysis (hierarchical holographic modeling, uncertainty taxonomy, risk of rare and extreme events, statistics of extremes, partitioned multiobjective risk method, multiobjective decision trees, fault trees, multiobjective impact analysis method, uncertainty sensitivity index method, and filtering, ranking, and management method). Case studies are examined.

  • James Lambert







    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

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    Last Taught

    Fall 2024