PHS 8901

Applied Practice Experience II

Course Description

The Applied Practice is a planned, supervised & evaluated work experience with an organization that contributes to the health of a community. Students apply skills learned in the program to a real-world setting & work toward achieving competencies. Placements are selected based on the interests & needs of the student. A min of 50 hours is required; placements may occur during an academic year, one semester or over summer.

  • Ruth Bernheim






    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

  • Carolyn Engelhard






    Last Taught

    Spring 2024

  • Aaron Pannone





    Last Taught

    Summer 2024

  • Kristen Wells





    Last Taught

    Spring 2024

  • Paige Hornsby







    Last Taught

    Fall 2024

  • Diamond Walton






    Last Taught

    Summer 2019