GBUS 8510

Global Business Experience

Course Description

Global Business Experience is a one-week course that focuses on business issues in variety of countries outside of the United States. The courses are offered at midterm break in March. Each section offered under the Global Business Experience heading provides the opportunity for students to visit a different country and experience business practices and cultures other than those of their native countries. Both first-year students and second-year students may participate. Based on a unifying theme and a specific geographic location, each course includes structured classes and practitioner presentations as well as visits to companies, governmental agencies, and important cultural sites. Each Global Business Experience course is intended to give students a better perspective on the countries visited and, through comparison, on their country of origin. While the countries may vary from year to year, in the recent past, programs have been offered in Argentina, Bahrain, China, Czech Republic, India, Mexico, Spain, and Sweden.

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