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About the course: There are 3 midterm exams called 'Skills checks' that are worth 15% each, I personally felt that they were a bit difficult. Majority of it consists of grammar, some vocabulary, and a writing portion at the end. He gives a lot of questions that we are supposed to finish in 50 minutes, in which I ran out of time on a lot. However, because it's only 15% doing bad on them won't effect you too much if you do good on the rest of the assignments. What counts for your grade is an eprofolio used in digitation that consists of projects and assignments that test writing, reading, vocal, and just general concepts learned. Each of those are worth about 5% each and 48% of total grade. There's a final project that was fairly simple, it's just a research cultural project of a topic of your choice worth 10%. There is a final oral exam at the end of the semester where you have to hold a conversation with professor for 15 minutes worth 10%. At first, I was very intimidated by it but it's actually very chill and he talks for a lot of it. Homework is annoying because it is everyday that you have an assignment due in a program called contrasena (very pricy btw, you have to buy it) and through that program you also have like 5 meetings with coaches that are just participation grades. You can only miss 3 classes, anything more reduces participation score by 1%. More than 6 classes missed results in automatic failure in class. I ended with an A. This class does take kinda a lot of time, especially with homeworks but it was more tedious work rather than hard.
About Professor: He lectures well. Each class you have you start off with partner work in conversation based on the prompts he gives, then we come together as a group to answer each prompt question, and then he goes into lecture based on what was taught in the hws. He reinforces learning through packets, too that you can keep. For the most part, he was a good professor; however, he got in moods where he was a bit passive aggressive and was noticeably annoyed if questions were asked in class. In turn, there were multiple encounters where he gave unnecessary side remarks that created a hostile environment. Classes are small, so everyone knows one another and he knows everyone by name. He was very forgiving when it came to deadlines but a hard grader in my opinion. He does not give 90s out much. Big note, he catches lots of people cheating (using translators) and accuses a lot of people of cheating so if you do use a translator (not saying you should) be smart about it cause he WILL question you, lol. For the most part, I enjoyed his class and enjoyed him as a person (excluding the times he had an attitude ) He does care about his students and makes himself available through office hours to ask him questions. During class, try to participate because he definitely takes notice and it's also very awkward when no one does.
SPAN 1060 is a flipped classroom, you learn all the content in the homework on the online textbook, and then you practice and review it in class. Honestly, I preferred this. Professor Colon is a really good teacher and he's super helpful. He cares a lot about his students and makes sure you understand things. He makes his own worksheets that are similar to the tests which are so helpful. All the homework is basically just easy busywork so it's not too bad. I spend like 15-30 minutes on it a day. The only bad thing about Professor Colon is that he's a really slow grader so you won't get immediate feedback, but it's not that big of a deal. Before every exam, all the spanish teachers will send an exam breakdown which tells you exactly what is going to be on the exam and what type of questions, so it is so easy to prepare for them. As long as you do your homework and actively participate in class, it's hard not to get an A. Totally recommend this professor, he's a great teacher and really nice. #tCFfall2021
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