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15 Ratings
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Justin is indeed the realest stat professor out there. It's rare for professors to be both great teachers and kind people but he checks off both boxes. During office hours he effectively clarifies information and it's obvious he cares about his students. He is an engaging lecturer, but if you have not taken a stat course before I would recommend briefly previewing the lecture material before class. While homework is not required, it is beneficial for your learning. It's a good idea to start on labs before going to the lab section and then checking your answers with the other students. There is one take-home quiz per week and it's fairly straightforward, with a time limit of 20 minutes but usually take 5-10 minutes. He drops the lowest 3 quizzes and 6 labs, which is incredibly helpful. I would highly recommend taking STAT 2120 with Justin!
This class is not interesting but it is a pre-req for a lot of things. If you have to take it, like I did, take it with Justin. He posts all of the lecture slides online and drops a generous amount of labs and quizzes throughout the year. I didn't go to lab because it was at an inconvenient time for me until the end of the semester when I had no more drops left. Justin allows a full-page front-and-back cheat sheet on exams, which was very kind and saved me on every test (there are three). Tests are not cumulative and the review slides and lecture are very helpful. I didn't do fantastically on the first test, but you will get a hang of the types of questions after the first one, which remain the same. Tests do not use R and require very little calculation, and using R in lab is easy as most of the code is in Gradescope for you to copy and paste. #tCFS24
This course is an awesome intro course because Justin does a great job of teaching content while making it somewhat interesting. Regarding lectures, go to the first few and get a feel of if you find them beneficial or not. For me, I found that after the first few I did not need to keep going and could just read the slides. I feel that this probably can work for most people. There are 3 exams that are not super difficult if you make a good cheat sheet (you get one for each exam) and understand the concepts behind formulas. Definitely would recommend taking it with Weinstock to anyone.
Personally not a fan of statistics, but Professor Weinstock is a really great instructor and taught the content in a way that was easy to understand. Hw problems & going to lab on non-exam days are technically optional but helpful, and the weekly quizzes are quick/easy ways to review concepts covered in class. If you have to take stat, I definitely recommend taking it with prof Weinstock.
For a 4 credit class, STAT 2120 from Weinstock is incredibly doable and learnable. I essentially failed my AP Statistics exam senior year and I came out of this class with a really good command over the course content.
Weinstock's lectures (which are arguably a bit slow) make all the content for 2120 very intuitive. STAT 2120, and statistics in general, is much less about your ability to crunch numbers and memorize procedures than it is your ability to work with the intuition the class develops, and Weinstock makes that transition very accommodating and easy to understand. Derivations for most of the content's formulas are written out and you can generally understand each component of the type of analysis you are asked to perform.
The content and structure of the course is still the same as the other reviews. You have so many chances to improve your grade and learn the content. Overall, if you have the chance to take 2120 with Weinstock, take it with him. #tCFS24
Justin is a great professor and this class was taught very well. The lectures got straight to the point and were always insightful and he speaks really well and seems really passionate about statistics. The homeworks are optional (I wish I had done them...) and there are weekly quizzes that are a breeze. I really liked how he lets us bring a full page (front and back!) of notes to the exams; without that I would've done awful. The labs aren't required and I rarely went to them unless I had a pressing question or wanted to work in a group setting.
If you took AP Statistics in high school, this is pretty much the exact same class content wise (I took AP stat and got a 4 on the exam, so tested into this class). Super easy and really only a few homework questions per week, which aren't submitted or graded but do help so I would recommend doing them. The class meets twice a week for lecture and twice a week for lab. Lab is extremely easy to do well on, you can work with people in your section. There are 3 exams, none of which are cumulative (including the "final" which is really more like a third midterm taken in the class's finals time slot). Professor Weinstock is super helpful and a really great lecturer.
This class was a good intro to statistics, and if you're taking it with Justin you have nothing to worry about. This class covered the exact same material that my AP statistics course in high school did, just much faster and with way fewer assignments. There's ungraded weekly homework for practice, a weekly multiple choice quiz that's only 5 questions (if you do the HW and take the quiz right after then you're set), two weekly labs (ask the TAs about anything you're unsure about and they'll tell you the answer), and three exams worth 20% each that you're allowed to bring a note sheet to (pro tip: write down the interpretations of things like slope/intercept because you might have a short answer section on them). The exams are mostly multiple choice with some True/False and short answer questions. And on top of all that, you can drop the 3 lowest quiz grades and 6 lab grades. Sometimes the lectures are full of info and kind of dry, but Justin is great at explaining concepts and answers questions well whenever students have them. I definitely recommend this class for anyone looking for a good intro stat class!
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