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Professor Badang is very engaging and fun in class. I would say that a few of the projects were graded very randomly and he sometimes took points off without really explaining what it was for. Other than that though, he is pretty nice professor and his class is well-structured. As long are you do the work you should do well.
Spanish 2010 is a class that requires a lot of time and work no matter which professor you take it with. I look a difficult semester load, and I spend more time doing work for this class than others. Professor Badang is a very interesting guy. He is a good lecturer and is funny during class, but he is a very difficult grader. I once asked him why he took points off on a written assignment, and his answer was he wasn't "feeling" my essay. This class is going to be painful no matter who you take it with. I suggest you take it with a professor who is an easier grader, but if you have no other option, at least Professor Badang will be enjoyable to have during lectures.
I loved this class! Badang made every day interactive and exciting, he wanted us to learn Spanish and his passion really showed. If you want to take 2010 TAKE IT WITH BADANG. The class was not too difficult, there was a lot of homework but that is mandated and all 2010 will have it. The quizzes and tests were not bad if you study and go to class. Attendance is mandatory, you can only miss 2-3 classes without punishment, however Badang understands that attending is not always possible. He also gives out three tokens to redo homeworks if you missed a deadline, which is really nice.
I LOVE PROFESSOR BADANG. Spanish 2010 is very frustrating because of the volume of assignments (a lot), but it really is an unavoidable class. Take it with Professor Badang if you can. He is hilarious and makes class very engaging. Honestly, your experience in this class will largely depend on if you like the other people in it, since majority of the class is talking.
I took three years of Spanish and took the placement test into this class. He was new to the university when I took his class, and he wasn't too sure about how to use certain UVA websites (Collab), so he was a little unorganized. But I'm sure he's better at it by now. If you participate a lot (participation's a grade), do the homework (allows retries and resubmissions), and practice your grammar, you'll be fine. Even though it had been a few years since I last took Spanish, his class was super easy. There's quite a good amount of group work in class. After he lectures, he usually splits everyone up into groups to work on the practice grammar problems on the board. He's also really lenient with short essay feedback. The final essay, he doesn't give too much feedback on because of its length. If you do well throughout the year, you don't have to worry about the final affecting your grade so much. The only reason his recommendation score is a bit low is because he was so unorganized and not too great at replying to emails.
Professor Badang is so sweet! He makes the classes interesting and easy to follow. He gives ample amount of resources and examples to make sure all the students are succeeding. A lot of busy work but manageable! All language classes have roughly the same amount of busy work so its unavoidable. Definitely recommend taking this class with Professor Badang.
Random but on an important note: Super down to earth and also bought two fundraising tickets that I was selling (which was really sweet of him!)
This class was so awesome with Prof. Badang. He was so funny and kind to all of us, and kept us really engaged. While the Spanish courses at UVA tend to have way too much busy work, the actual concepts were not bad. The tests are a breeze, and he explains the concepts in really engaging ways. If you are taking 2010 you MUST take with Badang.
He really loves his students and tries to make every class interactive and fun. The class is very conversational, so he would make us PowerPoints with different prompts or stories that we would work through. The tests were very easy.
In terms of work, it's important that you're organized for this class because there are a lottttt of assignments to keep track of. Each day we had 2-4 Connect online activities to complete, which usually took around 20-30 minutes. We also had to do a Linguameeting almost every week, which is where you talk on zoom with someone from a Spanish-speaking country. We had two oral tests, but these required no prep. We also had daily E-portfolio assignments, which ranged from videos of us using our unit's grammar and vocabulary, worksheets based on a podcast, essays, or other random things. We also had an in-class essay for every unit. All of this work is the same for each SPAN 2010 period though, so I highly suggest you take the class with Badang. We all actually looked forward to it because of his kindness and humor, and I would totally take 2020 with him if he were teaching it.
I had a pretty solid background in Spanish before I took this test, but I bombed the placement exam. If you've taken a beginner course in Spanish or two this class is VERY easy. Topics go over ser/estar, direct/indirect object pronouns, preterite tense, imperfect tense, and an introduction to the subjunctive. As long as you do all the activities on time on the online textbook and upload things to your ePortfolio you'll be fine. Badang was a bit confusing when explaining the ePortfolio at the beginning of the semester but I can promise you that once you get the hang of it it really is easy. There is a final culture project for this course that consists of a 1,000-1,500 word research paper entirely in Spanish but the other assignments are very easy. Badang is a great instructor, very interactive with the class and has a great sense of humor. This class also has LinguaMeetings which are like group/one-on-one (depending which time slot you sign up for) 30-minute conversations with a language coach from a Spanish-speaking country. LinguaMeetings are very laid back as long as you actively participate and make an effort in conversation. MAKE SURE TO NOTE DATES ON THE SYLLABUS AND MARK DOWN ON A CALENDAR WHEN LINGUAMEETINGS ARE AND THIS CLASS WILL BE A BREEZE.
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