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definitely take this class with maccormack. the grades consist of 2 initial quizzes, 2 reflections, a take-home midterm, and a take-home final. She also has an extra credit reflection available throughout the whole semester where 5 points can be added to your final grade. overall, easy class and SO interesting. I ended with an A+ after putting in minimal effort. definitely recommend.
Definitely take this class with MacCormack. She makes it really easy to get an A without doing much work on your end. The lectures are recorded and uploaded after class so it's super easy to catch up if you miss or skip class. Having taken AP Psych beforehand definitely helped me, but MacCormack does a great job of explaining the material. The only problem was that towards the end of the semester there was definitely an agenda behind the material - we were taught things like how race isn't real and stuff that definitely had a political motive behind it. Other than that, she is very friendly, approachable, and understanding. The material can get kind of boring at times, but she tries her best to make it interesting and keep students engaged. The work outside of class is very minimal - two reflections, a survey or two, no readings (though there is the option to buy the textbook, I opened it a few times at the beginning of the semester and that was it), and a couple of extra credit opportunities along with the psych department's participant pool requirements, which I didn't have any trouble completing. Aside from that, there is a midterm and a final, which are both online, remote, and can be taken at any point during the day they are assigned - and you are given more than enough time to complete them. Overall, the class was pretty simple and interesting.
Definitely take this class with MacCormack. I took it as a gen-ed. While its completely unrelated to my major, it was interesting at times and not too much of a burden. MacCormack is super friendly and does her best to make the content as interesting as possible and cover everything in lecture. The textbook is optional, I bought it just in case and never needed it. Your grade is based on 2 take-home exams, participant pool completion, and 2 short completion-based reflections. The only annoying thing was the participant pool, which is not the professor's fault. It was difficult to find openings to get credit and if you don't reach the minimum, you have to do some kind of alternative written assignment.
She is a very nice professor and the class was ultimately very easy. I took the class CR/NC as a e-school student only for fun and it was really interesting. Super low stakes for me. The exams were very easy. MacCormack can be a little dull in lecture but ultimately gets all of the information across. All lectures are recorded so you can always watch it later if you can't make it to class. The textbook is honestly not useful to read because she just repeats exactly the same thing again in lecture. The only other assignments are two reflective writing pieces and the 6 hr of PSYC research which you have to do for any intro psychology class.
I figured out pretty early on in the semester that the lectures for this course consisted of the professor simply reading off of a PowerPoint slide. That being said, I didn't attend any lectures past September and would highly recommend this method. Not only are the lecture slides posted on Canvas, but Professor MacCormack also uploads the lecture recordings as well. So there's really no incentive to attend lecture unless you have some extra time on your hands or a sadistic urge to bore yourself to death. The exams were extremely straight forward; if you reviewed the slides and completed the study guide, you were set. There were two additional assignments in the form of personal reflections. Again, very straight forward and not intensely graded. My only complaint about this class (besides being a complete snooze fest) is the administration of the Participant Pool, which I guess is probably an issue across all intro psych classes. Basically, you have to reach 6 credits (roughly 6 hours) of psych study participation throughout the semester. However, there were never enough time slots in the studies at the beginning of the semester and they filled up quickly. Then, later on in the semester, the only studies available required completion of the previous studies (which had been full) as a prerequisite for participating. The scarcity of available studies made it really hard and slightly stressful to complete this portion of the class grade on time. Otherwise, easy class. If you're looking for an easy distribution requirement, this isn't a bad choice; but if you want to challenge yourself academically and stimulate your brain a little while you're at it, I would go elsewhere.
I loved this class! Professor MacCormack is so knowledgable about the subject and gives great examples that help me better understand. The course setup is pretty easy with some writing assignments and 2 take home exams. She gives students a study guide before each exam (if not on the study guide, it can't be on the exam) which are super helpful. I really enjoy this class, the professor also records each lecture so attendance isn't mandatory or you can watch back anything you missed. Would highly reccomend! (however I know people struggled getting participant pool research credits but that is not really due to the class)
Prof MacCormack is extremely kind and helpful. Her lectures are a little boring and the class covers a ton of content, but it's honestly pretty easy! The class is based on 2 exams, 2 reflections, and 2 study participations. Overall, I loved this class and I'd definitely take it with MacCormack over other instructors!
I was interested in psych so I took this class, and it was good! It was in Mcleod, so I stopped going to lectures halfway through the semester. It was Professor MacCormack's first semester teaching, and she was great! All exams were take-home, and I don't think there were really any homework assignments (I don't really remember but that means they weren't too hard). I'm not sure if she's going to change the structure of her class because I know the other professors were much harder for my friends. Maybe go to lectures because I was pretty behind when studying for exams, but she posts the slides online too which is nice!
This was Professor MacCormack's first time teaching at UVA and she did a great job. She records every lecture so that the class is more accessible. Exams are taken remotely as to allow students to take the exams in a less stressful environment, which I really liked because I find being crammed into a lecture hall with a bunch of other exam takers is both distracting and stressful for me. Exams make up the most of your final score. But there were also a few reflection assignments and an extra credit assignment, and as long as you follow the prompt, it's easy to get a good grade on those. Overall a great class.
PSYC 2600 with Professor MacCormak was ridiculously easy. The lectures were interesting and they were all recorded. There was no required reading. We had a couple of reflections, surveys, a midterm, and a final. She also offers extra credit to help with your grade. She is also very accommodating and very easily available to answer questions. If she teaches this class again, take her over Mazerik. My friend complained the whole year about how much work his class was, and I was still doing a syllabus quiz at the end of September. We both still got the same content out of the class. I would definitely recommend this class as an easy "A" to help fill your schedule. #tCFfall22
Wonderful class. Interesting content, informative powerpoints, and I loved the structure. MacCormack is a kind, caring professor who you can tell is very interested in what she's teaching. There are 2 exams which are both very easy if you attend or watch the lectures, 2 written reflections of 500 words about any topic we learned that was interesting, and a few surveys for participation. This class was genuinely so interesting and so stress-free. MacCormack is just lovely and I cannot recommend this class more!!!
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