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Not a class to take your first semester. Jaswal is a fantastically nice guy and a great lecturer but his exams are evil. I repeat, evil. You have to read (everything in the textbook), and you have to be able to apply it, not just regurgitate it. You also have to read the extra readings he assigns through collab. A few midterms, a final, and a small essay (1 page) project worth 10%. He drops your lowest midterm which is nice. I only wish he remembered that this is a survey course and we aren't going to learn the info as well as he knows it. Tough class with really heavy content. I'd avoid if I could do it over.
Jaswal is truly a great professor! The class is so interesting, and exams are hard, but it is definitely possible to get an A as long as you thoroughly and carefully do all of the readings. Definitely not an easy A, but it is definitely attainable if you study hard! I suggest making review sheets for the exams.
As other's have said, Jaswal does seem to care and makes the material somewhat engaging; however, I found this course to be one of those that seems really easy and then the exams more tricky. The material is presented in a very slow manner; I felt like I was in kindergarten at times. The exams then were on very specific (and sometimes unnecessary) details. Nonetheless I did decently on the exams except the final was unreasonably tricky and detail oriented, cumulative, and somehow a whopping 40% of the grade. There are 3 midterms and the lowest one is dropped but I would have preferred to keep all 3 midterm grades and not have the final to be almost half the class grade. I felt that that distribution was unfair because I was set to receive an A- in the course and it went down tremendously because I did poorly on the final (Although I admit I am a biology major and it wasn't my top priority class to study. for.) So you'll probably do fine if you study a lot. Just don't let this class trick you into thinking it's easy. The material is a lot of review from other classes (I honestly didn't learn much new because I've taken other psychology biology, and philosophy classes.) But if you don't have much experience in cognition, the class is interesting enough that I do recommend it if you are a psychology major and you can put the time into this class. If not, don't risk hurting your gpa.
The professor was amazing, and the lectures were really engaging. My biggest issue overall was the unnecessarily difficult phrasing of the trick questions. The tests are ridiculously convoluted. For example, you'll have true/false questions specifically relating to questions and topics that are still being debated so you'll just be confused and have to guess. And the TA was nice, I guess, but her review sessions were not helpful in the least. I attended most of them and they did not make a difference whatsoever for me.
Loved this course! Jaswal does a great job explaining concepts in lecture and I was always very engaged. You definitely have to read the textbook to do well in the course, but there are 3 midterms and the lowest one is dropped, so it is not too stressful. There is also a jigsaw assignment, which is reading an article and doing a 250 word analysis on it. The class average for that was in the mid-to-high B range, so was not graded too harshly. Overall, this course has inspired me to even considering doing a cognitive science major. I found it to be highly enjoyable and also not difficult to get a good grade if you read the textbook and attend lecture.
This class is interesting and applicable, but not easy. Jaswal is awesome. His lectures are pretty engaging, but in my opinion kind of start to sound the same after a while as the material is just so vast and similar throughout the course. I can't say I have thoroughly enjoyed the class, but I have learned quite a bit. The tests are hard mainly because you can only miss 5 questions before going below a 90. That was way harder for me than I thought it would be going in. I would only take this if you really like Psych.
I really liked professor Jaswal and this class in general. His lectures were designed to easy to understand and I don't think he ever went over a topic that I didn't understand by the time he was done talking. Sometimes it could get a little boring but I enjoyed lecture for the most part. I would definitely recommend reading the textbook as he tends to ask questions about the studies mentioned in the book and the ones mentioned in lecture. I would recommend going to lecture as he makes topics very easy to understand and he gives four short writing assignments over the semester that can be used for extra credit if you are between final letter grades (so they won't hurt you at all). Other than that, there is no form of attendance and he posts his slides on collab after class is over. There is one writing assignment in April that he calls a jigsaw assignment. Basically you read an article, write a one page paper on it, then go to class and he puts you in groups with people who read different articles then you teach each other what you read about.
There are three midterms and one can be dropped. They're paper and pencil and in my opinion fairly easy. From what he's said in class, the averages are usually in the 80's but from personal experience its not hard to score better than that.
READ THE TEXTBOOK. I read it towards the beginning of the course but not towards the end. Big mistake. You'll never get an A if you don't read the book. I ended the course with a B. Class lectures are very fun to go to. Definitely attend class. Exam questions are pulled from lecture notes and the textbook. Jaswal is very passionate about cog psy which makes the class engaging; he always shows interesting videos and demonstrations. Jigsaw exercise is easy to do, but don't procrastinate on it! TAs (Jessica and Sierra) were amazing--super approachable and very clear in answering questions. Overall, this psych class is definitely worth your time.
Jaswal is one of the most enthusiastic lecturers I've had so far; you can tell he's very passionate about the material. Consequently, the 75 minute lectures go surprisingly quickly.
Most of the work for this course is just reading. It's a lot, but it's informative (based on the little bit of it I actually did). The reading material will be on the tests, so read carefully and pay attention to details. Not a hard course if you put in the time.
In order to do well in this course, it's really necessary to both attend lecture and do the required textbook readings. The exams are somewhat difficult, but if you study your notes and the textbook the questions should be straight forward. Jaswal is a really good professor and always tries to connect what we're learning in class to real world scenarios. There are 3 exams, the lowest of which is dropped, and a final that is worth 40% of your grade, along with an in-class exercise that is 10% of your grade. This class was really worthwhile and I highly recommend it!
Professor Jaswal is a great lecturer. He keeps the lectures interesting and you can tell he is truly passionate about the subject. I never found it very hard to pay attention in class. However, the tests are tricky and do ask about specific things addressed in lecture and the readings so don't slack off on either of them. There is a lot of information to remember so be sure to study ahead of time. My favorite part of the class was the jigsaw activity; the articles are fascinating and the activity itself is fun. It's also an easy 10%. Overall I'd say this class is worth the time, although you have to be prepared for the workload.
I would not take this class if you are not interested in psychology. I am a psychology major and I did not enjoy this class it was almost as bad as Cedric Williams' course intro to Learning.
The course is composed of 3 midterms, a final, and a jigsaw assignment worth 10% of your grade. As most other psych courses you get to drop then lowest midterm and the final is mandatory. If you do not read you will not of well at all. I did so poorly in this class it was ridiculous. I went to every single lecture, read the book, and went to the review sessions and still did not get an A in the class.
Hum...this class was a decent class. It definitely got less enjoyable as the semester went on - not sure if it was the material or just the novelty of the new class wearing off. The reading is pretty dense but if you want to do well, def do the readings. The TAs were really helpful through email and in office hours. Never went to Jaswal's office hours but he seemed like a very open and nice dude.
One thing that I hated was how his powerpoints were so unorganized. He also wants people to do notes by hand so he talks pretty slowly and repeats a lot.
The Jigsaw project was kind of useless, but its 10% of your grade so try to not procrastinate. If you go to class and do the readings, it's a pretty straightforward class.
This class is super fun and interesting, Professor Jaswal tries his best to make it extremely interactive. He always has videos and fun stories to share in class. The exams are not too difficult as long as you keep up with the readings and remain engaged. I never skipped this class because I always knew the class would be cool and fun. Take it!!!!! Also psyc studies are actually fun
Loooved this class. One of the best classes I've taken at UVA. It's so interesting! And Jaswal is really nice. He genuinely cares about his students. I got a 100 on one of the tests (which was crazy), and he took the time to personally e-mail me to congratulate me, which I thought was wonderful in a big class. I got an A- in the end. If you take the time to study, the tests are fairly straight forward and you should do well.
I LOVE Jaswal! He's a wonderful and sweet professor. Honestly, and the material is SOOO interesting! The only thing is, the exams are designed to be difficult and that they are! I would definitely go see him or the TA for office hours. Go to all the review sessions!
It's not impossible to do well in this class but you should also be prepared to put in the effort.
My favorite 2000-level Psych class. Professor Jaswal is a truly fantastic lecturer, both engaging and approachable. I highly recommend going to office hours, if you get the opportunity. As for the tests, they were really not that difficult: just pay attention in class and read the book and you'll do great.
Jaswal is one of my all-time Favorite lecturers! Very passionate and entertaining about most topics, and explains concepts extremely well. That said, his tests do require a fair amount of studying; study the book and the lectures and you'll get an A; study just the lectures and you'll probably get a B. His in-class writing "assignments" (for extra credit) were interesting and thought-provoking, and the T.A., Robyn Kondrad, was immensely helpful in her review sessions and office hours. Both were very approachable and friendly, Jaswal slightly more so. Record the lectures!
The textbook for this class is very dense and hard to get through. There is a lot of reading and Jaswal assigns articles in addition to it. However if you actually do read, take decent notes, and study, it's really not all that bad. Jaswal by the way is so into teaching the class, it's hard not to pay attention.
Class was very interesting. Professor Jaswal is a very nice guy and tries to explain the material but the class might be more worth your time if taken with Professor Willingham, since he wrote the book. It is a pretty straightforward class and has only one very small paper at the end. He also drops one midterm.
Good psyc class. I really enjoyed it (although it was kinda hard) Interesting topics such as perception, visual imagery, language and memory. But, to get an A in this class, you really have to work hard. Tests are just multiple choice, but sometimes a bit confusing. Just some advice: i think if you want to do well in this course, you really have to integrate notes from the lectures, readings and your class notes. Also, GO TO REVIEW SECTIONS!!! It really helps a lot. Plus, the TA is SOOO AWESOME. She's super nice, and approachable. I always emailed her when i had a question and she always answered. And, just follow Prof. Jaswal's and the TA's advice about how to study (they give you lots of tips). They really want to help you and make sure you get a good grade. I recommend this class for anyone who wants to take a good intro course to psyc but someone who doesn't mind putting in a little more effort than usual.
Good psych class. Lectures are very organized and easy to follow. Jaswal knows his stuff and presents it a very good way. Often spices up the slides with videos and some occasional humor. Three multiple choice midterms (worst score is dropped) that are pretty easy, a 1 page paper and a final. A good, low-stress psychology class.
This is a fun class and it's easy. All you have to do is read from a fairly dry book (written by the other professor that teaches this class, Willingham) and take multiple choice tests, one of which you may drop (including the final). The material is very interesting, but if you are going to take this class, I would recommend taking it from the other professor, Willingham. Even though Jaswal is a good professor, Willingham has been around a lot longer and wrote the book you'll learn from anyway.
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