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17 Ratings
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This class gets a lot of hate for the workload for a 1 credit course. There is a lot of out of class work required so factor that in when planning. Overall, both my TAs are amazing and I have learned good things from this course and where lots of fundamental concepts come from. The work is just excessive.
There's really not much to say about this lab. I'd guess that 95% of the people taking this course are only doing so because it's required by their major and not because they want to. If you're in the eschool, it's probably the last lab that's unrelated to your major, so keep that in mind as you're suffering through the labs.
Just another annoying lab class, not to mention that the lab manual is upwards of $50. Ask your TA for help on confusing questions or procedures and make sure you collect accurate data.
Biggest piece of advice - even though you're in a group every week, make sure you know the answers to the lab questions and the written one at the end. The final quiz is made up of questions from previous labs and written questions, so don't throw away your labs.
Not a good class .... but you don't take it because you like it you take it because its a requirement. I placed out of physics ii, but this class still was not easy at all. Prelabs are gimme points, but actual lab grading is extremely arbitrary and depends entirely on your TA (who can either be really helpful in lab or not so helpful). The postlab quizzes, in my opinion, covered more than what we did in lab and there was no way to verify whether what we did in lab was correct for the post lab quiz. Just live through it, it's gonna be ok.
Definitely read the manual and understand the lab content before you go to lab - they can be long and you'll be rushed if you don't know what's going on. Your lab pace depends on your group a lot; if they aren't prepared, that's usually mostly their fault.
As with any lab, your grade is basically determined by your TA - I was fortunate and got a very helpful guy, so it wasn't too bad. Can be an interesting lab if you put a little effort into it.
Physics Lab is a weird class. It's completely run by TAs, most of which I've found helpful, but hard to understand due to language barriers. It seems almost impossible to get an A in the class, but very easy to get a B. Labs are graded based on group work and an in class problem, which are very tough.
Not a bad lab. Electromagnetism is a bit trickier than mechanics (for me at least) so I found it a bit harder. The TA's, I find, are pretty good across the board. They encourage a lot of questions and really want you to succeed. The lab manuals are pretty easy to follow and the TA's and Maxim Bychkov care that you can finish the lab in the time allotted and will tell you to skip sections when needed.
Like I said for my PHYS 1429 review, the professor is basically unapproachable, and enjoys watching you suffer through the course. I whole-heartily agree with the post below: you often get penalized for stupid mistakes, no matter how competent you may stand in the course. Once again, the usual brainless webassign assessments and utter obedience of the TA's arbitrary grading policy. This class is more concept driven, with very little uncertainty calculations involved. Best of luck taking this class: just don't make stupid mistakes and you'll be fine.
If you're taking this lab, you are probably not taking it by choice and you're an engineer. Bychov changes the lab a good amount from phys 1429. Your lab write up doesn't matter at all. The TAs determine your grade by the answer you give to a question they ask you. They stopped asking me questions mid-semester and so I got an 8/10 even though I knew the material, which was frustrating. So beware, it's not like phys 1429 where you do error percentages and all that. And the prelab is worth 20, lab 40, postlab 40. So you have to know your stuff for the postlab to do well....sigh.
Completely run by the TA's. Professor Bychkov rarely makes an appearance. Every assignment is given and graded by webassign. I'm not too sure what Professor Bychkov does except if you ever run into a problem with the website he'll be sure not to help at all and say, "I have no control over the website" even though its his class.
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