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15 Ratings
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I cannot recommend this course. I took this as a requirement to declare Psychology as my major, and I suffered through all 16 weeks of this organized chaos. Bagley is a great person, he's funny and down to earth, but as a teacher, avoid him like the plague. All he does it read off of his pre-prepared R Studio notes, which are not easy to follow along with. The class format consists of him running various lines of pre-prepared code without telling you the specifics about each line of code; therefore, for someone that does not have any experience with statistics or coding with R, you will absolutely be struggling in this class. There is virtually no helpful explanation from this professor. Although this is an introductory course, his lectures give off the vibe that he expects that his students already know the basics. I know this is a required course for Psychology majors now, but if anyone else is teaching, maybe you will have better luck than I did.
If you have any coding experience whatsoever, this class is incredibly easy. I am a CS major and R was so similar to Python that the first couple weeks were almost just a review of CS1110. I took this class not to satisfy any requirement, but just because I wanted to learn R. Your grade is 70% homework and 30% final project. The homework takes 2 hours at the most and there are ample office hours to get help. The TA will give you everything you need at office hours to get it done. Prof Bagley is cool and makes the lectures as enjoyable as they can be with the content. It's listed as a 75 minute lecture, but he lets everybody go after 45 minutes and the rest of the class is just extra office hours. That being said, lecture is not absolutely necessary if you're fine with going through the lecture code by yourself/googling R syntax to figure out how to do the homework. Cannot recommend this class enough.
I had no coding experience before taking this class. Evan Bagley did a great job of explaining how the class would be run and the homeworks were straight forward. Office hours were a big help. My tips to getting an A in this course are to start your homeworks early so you can ask questions in office hours and find a partner to work through the homeworks with as well. I won't lie I skipped classes a lot, but Evan posts the lecture notes on Collab. Pretty sure this course is a requirement for STAT 3080 now. This class is great to learn statistical software and is an easy A if you start homeworks early and go to office hours.
As a psych major this is now a requirement and it was definitely an experience. Lectures are absolutely not necessary unless you want to experience Evan's charm first-hand. Homework is not difficult as long as you read through the lecture materials provided. The two lowest homework grades are dropped, which is nice since homework is 70% of your final grade. Ample office hours are offered if you need extra help, as well as time after every class to ask questions. There is a final project worth 30% that you basically get to design yourself, as well as pick your group members or choose to work alone. Overall, a relatively easy class.
Had to take this class as I am one of those prospective psych majors who had to take this class to declare. I don't know why there's one reviewer who said that they would not recommend this class. This is legitimately my first official CS class ever and I missed a significant number of classes due to illness this semester and was still able to easily get an A in the class even though I was scrambling with all of my other classes. Let me break this down.
We only had 7 homework assignments. The lowest two hw grades are dropped, as someone else said. Then there's the final project which is basically a kind of investigatory (group or individual--it's your choice if you want to work with people or whom you wish to have as group partners) project that is guided by the questions you want to ask about a data set that he provides you with (you can make graphs and all kinds of stuff). The project isn't necessarily cumulative, but you should use coding techniques you've used from the entirety of the semester to get a good grade. Then you write a paper summarizing what you did.
Class isn't necessary. I can vouch for that since I missed a freaking ton of lecture since I was either A) sick like you wouldn't believe/sleeping because of my medicine or B) trying to work on my other classes
Yep... this semester was not a fun time.
But I can tell you that if you are struggling in this class, you are not meant for UVA. Actually, I do not understand how anyone can struggle in this class seeing as how Evan legitimately left thirty minutes at the end of lecture really to serve as office hours. There wasn't enough material in this class to justify going beyond two forty five minute classes per week.... so that meant there were the 'unofficial' class office hours and then also real office hours where you go to Evan or the TA's office and ask about code.
Also, kids who were already familiar with python seemed to understand exactly what was going on in this class, so it seems like that helps a lot.
This was one of the most straightforward, generously-graded classes I have ever taken at UVA. If you are looking for an easy and practical class that doubles as a resume booster, I would highly recommend this one. Professor Bagley is super easy-going and helpful. He does seem like he's still finding his footing as a professor, but it didn't impact the class at all. He went through different types of code and examples during class, then held informal office hours for the last thirty minutes of the class period. There were also numerous office hours during the week. The 7 homework assignments were a good way to practice the material, and 2 of them were dropped, so they were low-pressure. There was also a final project at the end of the semester that was a good way to synthesize what I had learned from the course. I do think that we could have covered a little more material in this class, but I was having a tough semester otherwise and this class was just what I needed.
This class was cake. Take this class if you need an easy A. It literally required no work at all. I didn't learn a lot or get much out of it, but I already had some coding/data science experience. You'll learn the basics of R, and that's pretty much it. If this is all you need, highly recommend. Also, Evan is adorable and helps a lot after class, and that's always a plus!
This class is super easy and enjoyable. So far, it's been an easy A. Evan is a great professor that makes everything really clear, and he's also very entertaining. The class lets out at least half an hour early every day, but Evan and the TAs hang around for that time to answer any questions. I have never taken any coding classes and have very little knowledge of stat, but I find this class to be very easy and one of my favorite classes. I would recommend it even if you don't need it to fulfill a requirement.
Professor Bagley is honestly amazing. I am a stat major and came into this class with no coding experience whatsoever. I have learned an immense amount. The other reviews claim they only learned the basics, however, Bagley has said on multiple occasions that last year was his first time teaching the course and he has grown to become a better lecturer. This is class is extremely valuable moving forward in statistics and I feel that Bagley provides a very sufficient method of teaching it, along with his humor that makes some of the more dry lectures more entertaining. This class is definitely a break from your other higher STAT electives or whatever major you're in and is 100% an automatic A if you pay attention. There are about 7 problem sets where he asks you to manipulate a data set or recreate various plots with the use of R worth 70% of your grade. The other 30% is a final project where, this semester, we chose 12 movies from a Netflix database and analyzed the data then composed an analytical report studying questions we came up with ourselves. No tests. Just problem sets and the project. The review below is right about the lecture being let out 30 minutes early. The office hours afterwards are extremely useful to ask those small questions that have you stuck on the problem set. Overall, It is definitely a fun course and gives you a taste of what data analytics has to offer, albeit a small taste. I believe this is a requirement for stats now so I hope my opinion makes you choose him. You will not regret it!
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