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21 Ratings
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This course wasn't difficult, it was just time consuming. There are quite a few readings assigned each week and most of them are pretty lengthy. That being said, you only really have to read one of them thoroughly (in order to write your 500 work response) and the others you can just skim. Professor Hagerman is super nice, and very engaging. Most of the topics covered were really interesting, and a lot of the readings were too. Each week, there are readings and a 500 word response to one of them. There are two 5 page book reviews, which aren't hard, but can definitely be time consuming. The final is a research project where you create your own lecture on a topic that wasn't discussed in class. Again, it wasn't hard, but it was super time consuming. Overall, I would recommend this course, as it is not that difficult to get an A- or A if you put in the effort! And it is interesting.
Bonnie Hagerman is great and super relatable. Her lectures are super engaging and she constantly encourages that all students question and participate. We get multiple readings per week that are sometimes tough to get through; however, you can still manage to get through discussion by just skimming the readings. The book reviews sneak up on you and you have weekly journal responses but it's not as overwhelming as you think.
I don't really know what the person below me is talking about. Professor Hagerman was really understanding and sweet. She did grade essays harshly, but it was a good class. I would recommend it for sure. You learn about a wide variety of different topics related to gender which is awesome. I knew some coming into the class, but I definitely came out knowing a lot more. The week on gender in the media was really interesting. The grades consist of participation, 2 book reports and a research paper, a group project, and weekly reading responses. The reading responses are pretty easy and the group project, which is a presentation, isn't that bad. Ended up being providing some basic information and then asking questions to facilitate class discussion. Didn't seem biased to me either, we discussed issues facing men and women as well as intersectionality which was nice. Overall good informative class.
It is definitely a shame because I found the material very interesting in this class but this teacher is terrible and completely ruins it. I STRONGLY advise if you want to take this class and are interested in gender studies and sexuality that you take it with another teacher. Bonnie Hagermann entirely ruined this experience for me and made coming to class each day something I would dread. A lot of this class is an in class discussion when you are SUPPOSED to voice your opinion on the readings or the topic of the week; however, if you do not agree with her opinions she shuts you down and is not open to listening to any other opinion. A lot of the topics covered in the class are sensitive topics and very controversial topics and it is very wrong for her to teach them in a one sided way and to not respect the ideas her students can have. The workload is also ridiculous. Every single week you have to read nearly 100 pages and then write a 500 page response to what you read AS WELL as finding a current event article and relating it to that week's reading. You also have two book reports and a final research paper which she grades so meticulously as if you are an English major. She doesn't care if the content of your paper is perfect and you brought up thorough and interesting points, she will take you down an entire grade for stupid grammatical mistakes. Lastly, she is the most non sympathetic person I have ever met and is such a stickler about absences. You are allowed 3 absences and after that every absence takes off 1/3 of a letter grade. She only excuses absences if you tell her very far in advance which doesn't make much logical sense because you cannot plan in advance if you are sick. Even if you are throwing up and have a doctors note from the health center, she will not excuse the absence because you didnt "tell her in advance." Overall I was so disappointed by this class because the topic really interested me and this teacher really ruined the class for me. I recommend this topic because it is very interesting however do NOT take it with this teacher or you will regret it.
I really enjoyed this course. Worried that it would be too basic of an introduction to the field, but after the first month the class really picked up and got way more interesting. Hagerman's a great teacher - super knowledgeable and interesting while still approachable. Her lectures were some of the highlights of the course, though the in-class student discussions were also good. Readings can sometimes be very dry and academic, but the reading responses are quick and easy, and the 2 book reviews weren't too difficult. The final is a research paper that's harder, but still not too bad. I would definitely recommend this course, especially for those not really looking to major in WGS but who just want to know a bit more about the field.
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