We'll connect you to courses you'll love, and make enrollment stress free.

Barrett Ruth
Barrett Ruth

President | Product Lead

AJ Nye
AJ Nye

VP | Infrastructure Engineering

Justin Park
Justin Park

VP | Infrastructure Engineering

Alex Yung
Alex Yung

VP | Infrastructure Engineering

Kyle Durrer
Kyle Durrer

VP | Product Engineering

Zohaib Khalid
Zohaib Khalid

VP | Product Engineering

Luke Kohler
Luke Kohler

VP | Product Engineering

Chai Zhang
Chai Zhang

VP | Design

Alyssa Zhang
Alyssa Zhang

VP | Marketing

Julie Huang
Julie Huang


Vivian Gao
Vivian Gao



Why the switch to tCF 2.0?

The previous version of theCourseForum was developed using the Ruby on Rails framework in 2012, over 8 years ago. That's a long time in tech years! Not many of our student developers know Ruby anymore, so we rebuilt the site from scratch with Django, a popular Python web framework that's taught in UVA's CS 3240 (Advanced Software Development). What this means for you is that it's easier for us in the long term to maintain the site and develop new features for you.

Where did [previous feature] go?

During our tCF2.0 rewrite, some features had to be left out due to low usage. If you'd like to propose we bring one of them back, or suggest an entirely new feature, submit a feedback form or join the discussion on our Discord server!

Do you profit from people using the site?

No, our site is entirely a student volunteer effort. To be clear: We have never and will never profit from the site. While we do run ads to cover part of our server costs, they are only a small fraction of our budget and we don't pocket any of it. We get most of our funding from university grants, sponsors, and donations from users like you!

Where does your grade data come from?

We use completely anonymized official grade data from UVA! Don't worry, nobody will find out about the C you got in MATH 1200.

How can I join the team?

We're currently recruiting for both our dev team and design team — apply here!

What does the dev team do?

Our dev team develops and maintains the site! We do front-end, back-end, infrastructure, and database work.

What does the design team do?

Our design team works on UI design and publicity, getting the word out about theCourseForum.

How do you protect reviewers' privacy?

We will never display your name on reviews, nor release this information to anyone. Read our Privacy Policy to learn more!

Where should I report bugs or leave a comment?

Fill out the feedback form or report a bug form on the site or join our Discord server!